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Hobbyking ™ Retractable FPV Antenna System with Extension Cable
111 г
The HobbyKing ™ retractable antenna system is designed for FPV use. This allows the Antenna to be mounted far away from sources of obstruction and RF noise. On smaller MultiRotors proper separation is hard to do with size constraints, now with the flip of a switch the antenna can be deployed for an unobstructed Locked In FPV experience.
The retraction allows for takeoff and landing without the need of unsightly tall landing skids as well as easy transportation. The boom can be cut to any length and comes with the proper Antenna to TX extension and mount. For activation you will just need one extra channel on you tx to operate the retract unit as it comes complete with the actuation unit and motor.
• Allows for an unobstructed FPV Antenna without sacrificing portability and size
• Comes with extension cable
• Adjustable length
• CNC Alu retraction unit.
Mounting: 21x25mm
Weight: 33g
Boom: 4mm carbon 300mm (cut to length)
Extension: 510mm (SMA)