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Messerschmitt BF-109 German Fighter GP/EP 1560mm (ARF)
5036 г
The Messerschmitt BF-109E was the workhorse of the German Luftwaffe especially during the Battle of Britain when aces like Adolf Galland flew them with deadly effect against the RAF over southern England.
This classic version of the deadly 109 comes in the famous yellow nose colour scheme which was used on many “E” models flown by the Luftwaffe against the RAF in 1940. The quality covering includes scale markings and even panel lines which only adds to the overall scale and menacing appearance of this fantastic model. You can be sure that it will look every bit the classic WW2 fighter during those mandatory low strafing runs.
The model includes the airframe, spinner and wheels, allowing you to install your own choice of radio equipment, servos, undercarriage and motor. The undercarriage placement provides for a wider track which will aid take off and ground handling. The model can be flown either with a glow engine or with an electric motor equivalent.
• Almost Ready to Fly - Complete final assembly, install your choice of electronics and power system
• Lightweight balsa and plywood construction
• Includes fixed gear, retract ready
• Highly detailed printed multi-color covering
• Magnetic fuselage top hatch for fuel tank or battery access
• Complete hardware pack includes cowling, spinner
Wingspan: 1560mm
Length: 1120mm
Weight: 2500g~2900g
1x BF-109
Tail wheel Asembly
Fiberglass Cowling
Servo Trays
Engine Mounts
Fuel Tank
Requires: (Not included)
Radio: 5 Channel Rado TX/RX
Motor (.46 2 stroke, .70 4 stroke or electric equivalent)
Retractable landing gear
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Динамика цен
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