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Arduino Intermediate Kit with IR Remote Control and Sound (AR Warehouse)
810 г
A great kit for anyone wanting to develop their skills in this this fascinating hobby.
The kit contains more advanced components to build a range of projects, including a stepper motor, sound modules and infra-red remote control.
Arduino UNO R3 development board
Prototype development bread plate (small)
High quality big bread board 1MB-102
Outer-package of senior
SMT components box
Red/yellow/blue LED lights x 5
330 Ohm resistor x 5
1k Resistor x 5
10k Resistor x 5
Active buzzer
Passive buzzer
Hat button switch (large) x 4
Digital tube
Four x digital tube
8 x 8 dot matrix
Ball switch SW-520-d x 2
Photosensitive resistor x 3
Variable resistor
Flame sensor
Infrared sensor
LM35 temperature sensor
74 hc595ic
Mini remote control
1602 LCD screen
Single needle
5V stepper motor
UNL2003 driven plate
SG90 9g steering servo
9V battery harness
30 color bread line
USB cable
Dupont line x 10
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